29 April 2016

Star Wars Fan Art Part IV: Heroes

Here is Part IV of the Star Wars Fan Art series.
This post is all about Heroes of Star Wars.
All credit goes to these amazing artists! As always, the titles of each work will be a link to the source of the images.

If you like this post, don't forget to follow for more!
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That's all for this post. There were a lot more of the male characters that I wanted to include, but I picked my absolute favorites.
For the female characters, it's excruciatingly hard to find suitable art, because many of the pieces I found were very sexual, and that is not what this blog is about.

I hope you all enjoyed!
More art to come next week.

Once again, if you like this post, don't forget to follow for more!
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28 April 2016

Star Wars Fan Art Part III: Villains

Here is the third installment of my favorite fan art for Star Wars.
As always, I will post all links to where I found these pieces as their titles.

For more like this, follow me on Facebook HERE or on Pinterest from the sideboard ---->
More videos on Youtube are coming, and I also post to Tumblr.

'Darth Malgus' by Daniel-Abreu

'Darth Malgus' by BojanaJokic


'Star Wars - Darth Vader' by TheFirstAngel

'Shadows of Tatooine' by Raymond Swanland

'Darth Vader redesign' by JoseArias

'Darth Maul' by Daniel Comerci

'Darth Maul' by Elia Bonetti

'Darth Maul' by aditya777

'Darth Nihilus' by Unknown

'Darth Revan vs Darth Nihilus-C' by clarkspark

'Darth Nihilus' by NeeCoaLa

'General Grievous Star Wars' by Twynsunz

This artist has many different pieces, most aren't Star Wars, but I highly recommend checking out his page. HERE is the link. He does a lot of Marvel superheroes and other great pieces. If you like concept art, you will love what he does. I'll post a couple more of his pieces below.

That is all I have for this post.
Don't forget to follow the links on the titles to check out and support these great artists.
My next post will be Star Wars Fan Art Part IV: Heroes
Make sure to follow and subscribe on FacebookPinterest, Youtube ,and Tumblr for more.